this article will help you you , how to summation of time and time diference between 2 time, of course you can modified based on what you need. this example below using 12h format, but will return 24h format.
time 1 : 09:30:30 AM (it's string use textbox) as lowtime
time 2 : 07:15:15 PM (it's string use textbox) as hightime
Here's the function for time difference
Public Function timeDifference(ByVal lowtime As Date, ByVal hightime As Date)
Dim hours, minutes, seconds
hours = CStr(Math.Floor((hightime - lowtime).TotalHours)).PadLeft(2, "0")
minutes = CStr(Math.Floor(((hightime - lowtime).TotalMinutes) Mod 60)).PadLeft(2, "0")
seconds = CStr(Math.Floor(((hightime - lowtime).TotalSeconds) Mod 60)).PadLeft(2, "0")
MsgBox(hours & ":" & minutes & ":" & seconds)
End Function
Here's the function for summation of time
Public Function summationOfTime(ByVal lowtime As String, ByVal hightime As String)
Dim timespanLowtime, timespanHightime, timespanSum As TimeSpan
timespanLowtime = TimeSpan.Parse(lowtime)
timespanHightime = TimeSpan.Parse(hightime)
timespanSum = timespanLowtime + timespanHightime
End Function
don't worry , the function above is well format :D