i will explain about directcast to toolstripmenuitem, is it possible ?? until now and search google i don't find any method how to direct cast using "string" into toolstripmenuitem. but i found another method to control toolstripmenuitem.
How To
the first thing you must know how depth your menu !! , ok let's see the explanation below
for example you have menustrip like this :
file Edit Help
- user namagement :
- change password
- exit
the max depth above 3 , with 1 main menu and 2 sub menu :
main menu = File,Edit,Help
Submenu - depth 1 = User Management,Exit
Submenu - Depth 2 = Change Password
based on information above, we get max depth = 3 so just create 3 variable with type toolstripmenuitem
Dim mainmenu As ToolStripMenuItem
Dim submenudepth1 As ToolStripMenuItem
Dim submenudepth2 As ToolStripMenuItem
after that you can parsing every item collection using foreach and "In" and don't forget add method ofType to find the item using specific type. why we use that because sparator different type with ToolStripMenuItem, here's the code
For Each mainmenu In frmMain.MenuStrip.Items.OfType(Of ToolStripMenuItem)()
' code
if you already understand the code above , you can learn easily the code below, here's the full code
Dim mainmenu As ToolStripMenuItem
Dim submenudepth1 As ToolStripMenuItem
Dim submenudepth2 As ToolStripMenuItem
For Each mainmenu In frmMain.MenuStrip.Items.OfType(Of ToolStripMenuItem)()
For Each submenudepth1 In mainmenu.DropDownItems.OfType(Of ToolStripMenuItem)()
For Each submenudepth2 In submenudepth1.DropDownItems.OfType(Of ToolStripMenuItem)()
If submenudepth2.Name = "mnuchangepassword" Then
' if specific menu is found using the name (condition)
'do you code
for example
submenudepth2.enabled = true
' just leave , the default i set is disabled
End If
here's the full example :
Dim objDatabase As New database
Dim connectionString, strsql As String
Dim dataUser As DataTable
Dim i As Integer
Dim mainmenu As ToolStripMenuItem
Dim submenudepth1 As ToolStripMenuItem
Dim submenudepth2 As ToolStripMenuItem
connectionString = "FILE NAME=" & My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\SQLServer.udl"
strsql = "select * from MS_USER_GROUP_DETAIL where GROUP_NAME = '" & CurrentRole & "'"
dataUser = objDatabase.runningQuery(connectionString, strsql)
' ------------------------------------------
' MENU ASSIGN - Please edit your menu below
If dataUser.Rows.Count > 0 Then
i = 0 'index start from 0
For Each
mainmenu In frmMain.
MenuStrip.Items.OfType(Of ToolStripMenuItem)()
For Each
submenudepth1 In
mainmenu.DropDownItems.OfType(Of ToolStripMenuItem)()
For Each
submenudepth2 In
submenudepth1.DropDownItems.OfType(Of ToolStripMenuItem)()
For Each fields As DataRow In dataUser.Rows
If i >= dataUser.Rows.Count Then
'maka out of index
For Each itemName In dataUser.Rows
'item(2) display record at column index no 2 (List of menu name)
If itemName(2).ToString = submenudepth2.Name Then
'if same name then enabled
submenudepth2.Enabled = True
i = i + 1
' just leave , the default is disabled
End If
End If
i = 0 'reset index
End If
Catch err As Exception
MsgBox(err.Message, vbCritical, "Application Crash")
End Try
the code above very handy if you make user management with specific group and each group have many items that linking into menu.