Many newbie programmer maybe ask, how to create string connection to database (sqlserver , oracle etc) with OLEDB ? this is actually easy :D , oke let's to the tutorial !!
1. make sure that you have installed the OLEDB that accordance with the type of your database
2. Create file text in desktop , for example conn.txt
3. Rename the extention to .UDL (Microsoft Data Link)
4. Double Click to conn.udl , and go to TAB PROVIDER, your installed provider will be list in there.
5. Go to TAB CONNECTION and insert your host, username , password and don't forget allow saving password and test connection
6. if test connection success, then Save / OK7. Right click on the conn.udl, open with NOTEPAD or another text application.
8. VOILA !! you get the connection string automatically !! (string on the red line)