[Database][Oracle] Show View (Hidden)

      Oracle mempunyai cara untuk membuat record pada view menjadi HIDDEN (tidak bisa dishow), pada artikel ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana membuat agar record tersebut menjadi terlihat, tetapi tidak semua data yang hidden bisa terlihat karena juga ada faktor-faktor lain.

How To

jalankan query di bawah ini,

Recommended Method No.1 (already tested on production server)

1. Using Fnd_client_info
FND_CLIENT_INFO is mainly used to set the organization of the application. ITs something similar to setting the environment in unix box for pareticular Oracle instance. The code below when run, sets the organization to 0 and the datas for the operating unit = 0 will be retrieved from the oracle application views like po_headers,ap_vendors etc.....


Atau / or

2. Using dbms_application_info (Not Recommended, we need view only)
client_info Supplies any additional information about the client application. This information is stored in the V$SESSION view. Information exceeding 64 bytes is truncated.


CLIENT_INFO is readable and writable by any user. For storing secured application attributes, you can use the application context feature.



Legend :
* 0 merupakan org_id, organization ID may be vary. 
* this show only temporary , after disconnect you will not able to see the record and you must run that query again

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