[VB.NET] Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture

          "The error is: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture.  Make sure "xXx" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "zZz" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed."

that error above means the form cannot find the file that link resource. this error mostly occur when user copy the form to another project but forgot to copy the resource.

How To

to resolve this problem is simple just copy the resource !!

but if you didn't need the resource , but only need the form here's the step :

1. show all project files : Project > click Show All Files
2. look at the solution explorer you will see some file have mark like this (+).
3. find the problematic form, and click the mark (+) , it will expand and you will see another file with extention designer.vb and .resx. 
4. double click the .resx extention, it will apear a new view and find the problematic resource for example there is an image file, just remove it if you not need.
5. after remove just close the view and look again the solution explorer, now double click the extention file designer.vb at the same form.
6. you will see a may code that generate by system, press CTRL + F (find), type the name resource that you remove in the .resx file and click find next, after found the problematic resource , just comment it that code.
7. and voila your form will be running normally.

hope this article resolve your problem.

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